CMS Penetration Test

Content Management Systems (CMS) like Drupal, WordPress, Magento and Joomla are extremely popular and ideal for editing content. However, these systems are also very vulnerable to hackers, provided the security is not regularly maintained and checked.

In addition to the standard installation, different plugins, themes and custom modules are often installed. Precisely these plugins and custom code are prone to security breaches. Many do not know how many vulnerabilities are indirectly installed through plugins written by random programmers. Even standard installations contain errors and vulnerabilities exploited by hackers. This stresses the importance of always updating your CMS to the latest version, otherwise hackers can easily hack your website.

Studio | Secure offers security scans and extensive penetration tests to thoroughly check your Content Management System, including all plugins, themes and other custom modules for vulnerabilities and security risks. This way, you know how well your website is protected.

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