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Studio | Secure

Security services

penetration testing

Expose the weaknesses in your systems and identify points of vulnerability – before someone else does.

secure development

Protect critical apps from threats with tightly integrated security throughout the development lifecycle.

managed security

Count on an experienced team of experts to monitor and manage security technologies in your environment around the clock.

security monitoring

Ensure secure operations and draw critical insights from big data through comprehensive monitoring of controls.

incident response

Respond to attacks and regain control quickly with expert advice, guidance, analysis and reporting.

compliance & certification

Improve security and validate compliance to operate confidently in tough regulatory environments.

Security central


To stay a step ahead of a hacker, you’ve got to inside the mind of a hacker. The Certified Ethical Hackers who lead our security team have all the skills and instincts hackers have – but none of the bad intentions.

Chances are you haven’t yet heard about the latest trend in cyberattack that’s out there. But don’t worry. Our security team likely not only knows about it, but is already working on ways to thwart it.

We have a core group of more than 10 security experts. Some are Certified Ethical Hackers; some have PhDs in security-related fields. All make it their mission to know as much or more about exploiting security vulnerabilities as criminal hackers.

Our team also includes compliance experts – security pros who are more concerned about how to comply with laws than how to break them.

Secure to the core

dedicated expertise

You’ll find dedicated security experts on every SoftServe software development team, supporting secure development throughout the process.

early detection

With security tightly integrated into the software development lifecycle, we’ll find and fix any vulnerability long before an app is ever deployed.

risk assessment

If there’s a potential point of failure, we’ll find it – and we’ll quantify and fully document the risk so it can be addressed.

integrated approach

We bring together the tools, technology and services to keep you proactively focused on compliance, risk management and threat intelligence.

24/7 services

Managed security services protect 24 hours a day, every day of the year, providing constant visibility into security across a myriad of endpoints.

industry leaders

Studio-sercure is a security partner to some of the largest technology organizations in the world, including Microsoft, Amazon, Veracode, IBM and OWASP.

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